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English to Egyptian (Arabic)

This article is exactly as the title explains: English to Egyptian (Arabic) or “translate English to Egyptian Arabic” as some say.

  • Can the course help us with this? YES!
  • The course is given in English, Egyptian Arabic and the transliteration (the way the word is pronounced in Egyptian Arabic but written in English). This is especially helpful for anyone unable to read Arabic.

Take this as an example: banana-موز-mooz. In English first, then in Egyptian Arabic and to finish, the transliteration.

Many students gave feedback and I listened, implemented changes that are now available to everyone else. No more complaints about this! 😅

I don’t mind complaints (feedback) or suggestions at all, certainly not if you’re in need of support, do tell me!

As the course is basically English to Egyptian Arabic, keep in mind that you’ll be able to soon access the Egyptian Arabic Dialect Dictionary by StackArabic. It’s also very much Egyptian Arabic to English. To know more about this do check out the course: here.

It’s included in the price of the course. If you purchase it now or in the future, keep a look out for this update! Simply open up the dictionary wherever you are and look up a word, find the English word, Egyptian Arabic word and finally the transliteration. Easy, quick and efficient.

I’ll give you a personal example: I was in a supermarket in Egypt and I forgot a word in Egyptian Arabic, I tell the shopkeeper (one second, I’m sorry-find out how to say this in the course) and he says (no problem). I quickly open up my self-made Egyptian Arabic dictionary and look up the word I wanted to say. At the beginning of learning Egyptian Arabic it’s only normal to struggle!

To know exactly when the Egyptian Arabic Dialect Dictionary is published check out this link (also to find out a lot more information): here.

This information AND more is very helpful to everyone that wants to learn the Egyptian dialect.

If you want to learn Egyptian Arabic for free (before purchasing the course/or simply to learn for free) check out all of these VERY IMPORTANT sources:

What can you learn for free? (with visual and audio explanation).

  • Egyptian Arabic words and phrases
  • Egyptian Arabic phrases
  • How to say, read and write “where” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “he” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “the” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “place” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “Egypt” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “here” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “there” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “map” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “Belgium” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “I don’t want” in Egyptian Arabic (masculin/feminin)
  • How to say, read and write “I don’t want ANYTHING” in Egyptian Arabic (masculin/feminin)
  • How to say, read and write “something” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “anything” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “Salam Aleykum and greetings” in Egyptian Arabic
  • How to say, read and write “I’m fine/good” in Egyptian Arabic (masculin/feminin)
  • How to say, read and write “thanks” in Egyptian Arabic

In other words, there’s a lot of free information available for you to learn Egyptian Arabic provided by me (Jason/StackArabic). I would like for you to efficiently use this information to benefit your speaking, reading and writing in Egyptian Arabic. If you already have some knowledge of (Egyptian) Arabic or not, this will certainly help you progress a lot!